Education: Ophelia Acting Studio, 2017-2020
Playing age: 25-35 years
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 60 kg

UnsilencedElias2024João Martins
BlindbirdSven2023Richard Günnewig (Welifina Society)
OsworldMathias2020Philip Hedegaard (KBH Film & Fotoskole)
The NeolithAsger2020Daniel Boocock (Claret and Blue Film)
Feature & TV
ChosenColleague2022Kaspar Munk (Netflix)
A report on the party and the guestsManager2020Soren Peter Langkjaer Bojsen (Super16)
Dream StateKasper2018Asger K. Bartels (42 Films)
DNACasper Schou2022Carsten Kressner
The Night LandJuris2020Mia Lipschitz
Do They Dance for StrangersEnsemble2019Lykke Sand
DNACasper Schou2019Carsten Kressner
Music Video
Flesh and Blood (by Bob Dylan)Lead2022Ø Productions
Live dubbing
The Never Ending StoryAtreyu2019Christian Vincent (Buster Filmfestival)
Psychiatric patient simulationPatient2021-2025Region Hovedstaden Psykiatri